CoinAgenda Global is a new conference that combines the historic mission of CoinAgenda and BitAngels to connect and inform investors and entrepreneurs in the bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors with three first-of-a-kind, mini-conferences within the main event.
In addition to being the go-to place for great companies and token crowdsales alike to find suitable investors, they will be providing a first-of-its-kind series of panels and keynotes. The role of bitcoin and blockchain in mainstream investors and family office portofolios, both as a store of value and a speculative investment class will be in the main focus. There will also be a half-day track on friendly jurisdictions in those countries, states and territories offering jurisdictions, banking services and regulatory regimes friendly to the development of the blockchain space. Finally, in addition to 20 startup presentations, there will be panels and keynotes on the unique place our world holds in the development of cryptocurrency.