Drei Startups des Accelerator Frankfurt Programms fehlen unserer Reihe noch. Jedes bisher vorgestellte Konzept ist auf seine Weise einzigartig und doch sind es häufig lediglich zwei Bedürfnisse, die ein Produkt entstehen lassen; der Wunsch nach Vereinfachung oder Schutz, gleichzeitig zwei schlagende Verkaufsargumente.
In digitalen Zeiten ist der Schutz vor Bedrohungen durch immer ausgeklügeltere Malware und Viren aller Art zu einer besonderen Herausforderung geworden und zur absoluten Priorität für jedes Unternehmen, dass seine sensiblen Daten vor Eindringlingen schützen will. Dafür braucht es einen Algorithmus, der ebenso dazulernt wie die unliebsame Schadsoftware. Das israelische Startup Adjesty hat diese Herausforderung angenommen und einen Algorithmus entwickelt, der dafür sorgt, dass gefährliche Anzeigen weit vor der virtuellen Haustür aufgehalten werden. Der Algorithmus lernt und wird stetig besser im gezielten Abhalten von gefährlichen Werbeanzeigen. Zu den Kunden gehören bereits große Verlage wie Axel Springer und die New York Times. Wir haben David Mail von Adjesty unsere 7 Fragen gestellt, die leicht abgewandelt wurden! Wie erfrischend! Wie immer unverfälscht im englischen Original.
Meet Adjesty
Adjesty is a New Media B2B SaaS, providing proprietary cloud based machine learning solutions for BigData related to online advertising. Our customers are AdTech companies (Ad Exchanges, Ad Networks, Affiliate Networks, SSP, Content Recommendation Platforms) and large digital publishers (e.g. Axel Springer, NY Times, Washington Post, The Weather Channel).
We detect and stop bad ads in real time, scanning hundreds of billions of transactions of programmatic traffic and RTB – Mobile, Video and Desktop. We protect publishers’ brands by ensuring that only Clean Ads™ reach their inventories.
We are the only technology in the market that can preemptively detect and stop threats coming through the ads, like malvertising, viruses, phishing sites and scam before they reach the end users, while operating at full volumes of traffic.
Publishers seeking better yields drive year-to-year growth of programmatic mediabuying and RTB. It’s easier to hide bad ads in a longer ad-delivery chain, especially when machines buy from machines that buy from other machines. The continued rise of bad ads fuels further growth of consumer-level ad blockers
Please tell us about the day you pitched to Maria and Ram. What comes to mind when you think about that day?
Ram and Maria offer a strong business model for market entry into Germany. Their success depends on how well we as a startup succeed, so we are both in the same boat. We are eager to get into Germany and therefore agreed with Accelerator Frankfurt on a Sales Acceleration program and seeking to raise our bridge financing from German VCs.
Tell us about the program, please: What does a typical day look like and what is the most valuable lesson you took away so far?
The German entrepreneurship ecosystem has still a long way to go. We are based in Israel and travel on a regular basis. In Israel things move fast, meetings are secured on short notice and decision happen on the spot. In Germany, especially in the B2B side, companies seem more conservative and the startup pace of doing business is not always suitable. This is where Accelerator Frankfurt helps a lot foreign entrepreneurs bridge the gap.
With Demo Day so close which areas do you feel you need to still improve to convince the investors?
We need to show better sales figures. Investors like to see that the startup is gaining good traction in the local market. This is true for every startup of course.
What is the most essential capacity/tool you’d recommend to every entrepreneur?
In one word: Patience
Three words about Ram and Maria?
Energetic and willing to help, good partners